For Culture and Ecology.

Mndcly is a space where culture, ethnicity and ecology blend. 


Ecological Artistry

Combine creativity with environmental awareness through art.

Sustainability Workshops

Hands-on sustainable living skills for impactful daily practices.

Earth-Centric Education

Gain a deep understanding of ecology and our role within it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What courses do you offer?

Mndcly offers a range of courses focusing on ecological artistry, sustainability workshops, and earth-centric education designed to foster a sustainable mindset.

How can I sign up for a workshop?

You can sign up for our workshops through our website. Simply choose the workshop you're interested in and follow the registration instructions provided.

What makes Mndcly different from other educational platforms?

Mndcly stands out by integrating art and ecology in a unique educational approach. We focus on creating a deep, meaningful connection with the Earth through creative and practical learning experiences.

“Joining Mndcly has transformed my view on sustainability and art. Their innovative approach to education has not only enriched my knowledge but also my daily life practices.”

Joana Silva

Contact us

Get in touch to start your sustainable educational journey with us.


Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

About us

Mndcly is a pioneering educational platform based in Lisbon, Portugal, dedicated to merging the worlds of art, ecology, and education. We believe in creating a sustainable future through innovative learning experiences that foster a deep connection with our planet. Our courses and workshops are designed to inspire, challenge, and empower individuals to make meaningful contributions to the environment and society. With a focus on Earth-centric perspectives, Mndcly is not just an educational institution; it's a movement towards a more sustainable and artistically enriched world.